Man Rollerblades on ECP, Ignoring Traffic Risks

A viral video captures a man rollerblading on the East Coast Parkway, dangerously close to fast-moving cars.

In what could be seen as either an alarming new trend or a dangerous thrill-seeking act, a video has surfaced showing a man rollerblading on the East Coast Parkway (ECP) in Singapore. The clip, shared by a Mothership reader, was filmed on May 8 by a passenger in a passing car.

The video shows a man in a grey shirt skating nonchalantly on the side of the expressway, seemingly unaware of the potential dangers around him. He glides past vehicles, including a black car that speeds dangerously close to him, highlighting the risky nature of his stunt.

This footage raises concerns about safety and the growing trend of risky behavior on busy roads, as individuals continue to engage in activities that place their lives and the lives of others at risk.

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