Singapore Family Helps Escort Otters Across Busy Road After They Ate Their Koi Fish

Despite the otters feasting on their beloved koi, the family ensured their safe passage across the road due to concern for their well-being.

In a surprising turn of events, a family in Singapore helped escort a group of otters across a busy road, even after the otters killed and ate their pet koi fish. The incident, which occurred earlier this year, was shared by the local otter-watching community, Otter City, on Facebook.

Angel (a pseudonym) and her family were devastated to find their prized koi fish floating belly-up in their pond. Despite the loss, the family was more concerned for the otters, which were far from their natural habitat. Instead of harboring anger, the family chose to help the otters navigate the busy road safely, ensuring they reached their destination without harm.

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