With social distancing measures in place, DJ Beng’s app helps bring back the loud and joyful lohei traditions digitally.
Chinese New Year celebrations in 2021 are quieter than usual due to Covid-19 restrictions, with limits on visitors and the prohibition of shouting auspicious phrases during the traditional lohei (yusheng) toss. However, an app created by a generous individual, DJ Beng, brings a touch of festivity to the table.
The app offers 14 auspicious phrases that users can tap on their phones as they add ingredients to the lohei plate, helping to avoid the awkward silence that would typically occur when participants are unable to shout the phrases in person.
DJ Beng, who is also behind two other festive apps — one for prosperity (“Huat Ah”) and another to cheer during toasts (“Yam Seng”) — designed the apps to allow users to continue their celebrations while adhering to safe distancing guidelines. The “Yam Seng” feature even mimics the joyful yelling of a toast, offering a bit of fun during the quieter festivities.
Furthermore, DJ Beng has integrated links in the apps for users who want to donate to charity, such as the Singapore Children’s Society, encouraging others to spread the joy of giving in these challenging times.
Though the pandemic has forced a more subdued celebration, DJ Beng’s creative approach brings hope for a happier, yet safe, Chinese New Year.