Contactless TraceTogether Detection to Be Introduced in Select Venues Starting April 19

New System Simplifies SafeEntry Check-ins for Users

Starting April 19, Singapore will roll out a contactless detection system for the TraceTogether token and app in select venues, simplifying the check-in process. This marks a significant update to the SafeEntry system, which has been in use for over 10 months since its introduction in May 2020.

The new system, developed by GovTech, is called the SafeEntry Gateway (SEGW) and allows for easy, contactless check-ins. Users will simply need to bring their TraceTogether token or mobile phone with the TraceTogether app within 25cm of the SEGW for the system to register them.

For venues using physical SEGW boxes, a successful check-in will trigger a green light and a beep. For venues using the SafeEntry (Business) app, the app will display a green screen to confirm the check-in. This update aims to improve the overall user experience while ensuring safe and efficient tracking.

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